Getting My Bike Run - Part II

I got up at 7:30. (on Saturday? now you know how excited I am about this.) I checked the battery charger, the light is green. YES, the battery is ready! So go make a quick cup of coffee, and put the battery back in the bike.

Crossing my finger, I turn the cell. It tries….., but no ‘brooom’. Oops, use the choke dummy! Try again. “BROOOM!” YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I let it idle a bit, until it idled fine with out the choke out. So now the engine is nice and warm. I put it in the first gear. ‘ . . . ‘ The engine died. ????????? Try again. I started up and put it in the first gear. ‘ . . . ‘ The engine dies again. !@#$%^&*!!!

It is time to surf the internet for the answer. I googled ‘first gear engine stall’ in the group section of google and found the answer. I am so glad I am not the only moron in this world. Someone else had a same experience. There is a safty switch in the kickstand. With the stand down, engine is designed to stop for the safety sake. Well, when I rode back in Japan 20 years ago, there was no such feature.

So I go out to my garage, start up my bike, kick the stand out of my way, put it in the first gear. YES! it runs. I took it for a short ride.

Now I need to change oil, oil filter, check radiator fluid, tune it up, etc. Oh, and get a lisence.
