Our check engine light has been on for about 6 month. But the inspection expires tonight at midnight, so I decided to have it fixed. At Auto Zone, they read the code for me. It was the same old P0401 code. So this time I decided to replace the EGR valve. Auto Zone didn't have it in stock, but Advance Auto did. What I can't believe is this little thing costs $150.00!!
I had to remove 2 bolts (10mm) and 2 nuts (12mm). The bolt that holds the EGR pipe was very difficult get off. Especially the passenger side bolt was difficult. It took me about one hour to get it off under the HOT Texas sun at 104 degrees.
You see the carbon build up after 165,000 miles.
I think this unit may last longer than this car. =)
I had to remove 2 bolts (10mm) and 2 nuts (12mm). The bolt that holds the EGR pipe was very difficult get off. Especially the passenger side bolt was difficult. It took me about one hour to get it off under the HOT Texas sun at 104 degrees.
You see the carbon build up after 165,000 miles.
I think this unit may last longer than this car. =)