F800GS Rear Brake, Brake Pedal, & Shift Pedal


Worked on a few things on F800GS. The rear brake fluid flushed, rear brake pads replaced, rear brake pedal and shifter pedal replaced.

 I like EBC brake pads. It has been very reliable.

Taking the pads out was easy. Remove the retaining pin, then the pads will slide out of the caliper.


The PO may used a lot of rear brake. I think it has been used over half of the thickness on OEM in just 14K.

 The brake fluid needed to be replaced. I assume it has never been replaced since 2017. With my BMW experience, it really needs the flush every two years. Every year is even better.

After the pads/fluid change, I added a big foot on the side stand, replaced the gear shift pedal and the rear brake pedal with the fold-able kind.


Happy Riding!
